
With InferCabulary, our iPad app, students use 5 pictures to determine the meaning of a word. Can…

Multisensory Memory Strategies

I just met with a remarkable young woman-a dancer--named Sophie.  A psychologist…

Small Screens May Make Reading Easier for Dyslexics

Almost every day I get a question from parents on what smart devices would be best for their…

Anaheim Trip a Success!

Beth enjoyed sharing our apps, InferCabulary and WordQuations, in Anaheim!  Last night she…

Sharing InferCabulary and WordQuations at LDA in Anaheim

Beth is enjoying meeting a variety of educators from all over the world at the national…

Communication APPtitude Hits the West Coast

The National Conference for the Learning Disabilitity Association of America (LDA) will be held in…

Teach 100 adds us to their list

We have had the honor of being added to Teach 100's educational blogs. They rank hundreds of…

Using Technology to Help Students Edit Written Work

Speech-language pathologists spend much of their written language instruction time having…

Language Skills Can Impact Social Skills

When children (and adults!) have persistent difficulty making social connections, or find social…

Vocabulary Cards Focusing on Language in Definitions

Check out the method used to help this student who had all but given up on memorizing vocabulary…