The Word Gap
2015-08-11#slpeeps vocabulary wordgap 30millionproject #ASHAWeb Reading languageEdtech,Education
There is no such thing as starting too early on your child's vocabulary skills. Twenty years ago…
Drawing Attention to Vocabulary
2015-08-04#slpeeps,#vocabulary,brain,#ASHAWeb,#vocabulary apps,visual learningEdtech,Education
What therapy tools could I not live without? My iPad is one, but even more basic than that is…
"Twerking" Has Been Around for a While
2015-07-27#slpeeps,speech language blog,#vocabulary instruction,#ASHAWeb,#ASHALeaderUncategorized
Vocabulary instruction tends to be humdrum and predictable not only for students, but for…
Putting Definitions in Context
2015-07-21#slpeeps,#vocabulary,definitions,#vocabulary instruction,#ASHAWeb,#InferCabulary #slpeeps #edtech,context clues,#ASHALeaderUncategorized
Yes, context clues are generally not an effective way for students to learn the meanings of…
Visual Memory and Vocabulary
2015-07-14#InferCabulary #slpeeps,memory,memory strategies,#vocabulary,#vocabulary instruction,#ASHAWeb,visualUncategorized
The Dual Coding Theory, originally proposed by Paivio on 1971, has inspired debate and decades of…
Pruning Vocabulary
2015-07-07#InferCabulary #slpeeps,#vocabulary,#vocabulary instruction,#ASHAWeb,#vocabulary apps,InferCabulary,#InferCabulary #slpeeps #edtech,#ipadedUncategorized
"One gradually learns the word’s denotations and connotations and its modes of use little by…
Strategies Proven to Help Students Learn Vocabulary
2015-06-22#InferCabulary #slpeeps,#vocabulary,#vocabulary instruction,reading comprehension,visual,#ASHAUncategorized
Dr. Hairrell et al. performed a systematic review of 24 current vocabulary research studies. Their…
Vocabulary Meaning Has a Dimmer Switch
2015-06-15#InferCabulary #slpeeps,speech language blog,#vocabulary,#vocabulary instruction,classroom instructionUncategorized
How do we foster meaningful vocabulary skills in students? Deeper and broader understanding of…
Multiple Meaning Words
2015-06-08#slpeeps,humor,jokes,multiple meanings,speech language blogsUncategorized
"What did one math book say to the science book? Boy, do I have problems!" There are few things…
Vocabulary Storage
2015-06-01#slpeeps,speech language blog,#vocabulary instruction,InspirationUncategorized
When a student learns the meaning of a new word, the word must then be stored somewhere in the…