FAQ General Questions Energistically benchmark focused growth strategies via superior supply chains. Compellingly reintermediate mission-critical potentialities whereas cross functional scenarios. Phosfluorescently re-engineer distributed processes without standardized supply chains. Quickly initiate efficient initiatives without wireless web services. Interactively underwhelm turnkey…

Parenting Stutterers

Working with school-aged students who stutter, I find parents have lots of questions about how to parent their child who stutters. The Stuttering Foundation has a wonderful book, Stuttering and Your Child: Questions and Answers that I highly recommend to parents and teachers.  This book is available in paperback form and on e-readers. Why? A common question asked is, "Why does my child…

Road Map for Conversational Skills

freedigitalphotos.net Last week I shared the importance of learning the "art" or "dance" of conversation. By expanding vocabulary for emotions, students can more accurately convey how they are feeling, which is very helpful for peer negotiations, communicating with teachers, therapists and parents. Another skill that should be overtly taught to students who don't naturally "get" conversation,…

InferCabulary Homepage

Semantic Reasoning – A New Approach to Vocabulary Instruction Have you ever wondered what's holding your K-12 vocabulary instruction back? InferCabulary has students actively infer the meaning of Tier 2 vocabulary words by utilizing Semantic Reasoning. This method of vocabulary instruction provides students with multiple images of vocabulary words in different contexts to broadly and…

Vocabulary using Active Involvement

We are excited to have added Rebecca Silverman and Anna Harnanft’s new book Developing Vocabulary and Oral Language in Young Children (2015) to our arsenal of vocabulary tools.  In it, Drs. Silverman and Harnanft share several activities for reinforcing vocabulary including “Example/Non-Example,” “Related Words,” and “Double Jeopardy.” All of these activities require…

The SLP and SOAP Notes

In private practice, treatment notes are an important part of what we do.  It allows us to chart the progress of our students, keep on track with treatment, plan for future sessions and re-evaluate our methods each time we work with a student.Traditionally these notes are done by hand, but the new wave is to keep track electronically.  In order to record notes, first and foremost, you must have…

Small Screens May Make Reading Easier for Dyslexics

Almost every day I get a question from parents on what smart devices would be best for their child with reading difficulties. I talk with them about the different choices.  Depending on the student, I have typically recommended devices with larger screens (tablets and e-readers), but that may change. Matthew Schneps is a researcher who directs a lab at Harvard-Smithsonian…