Pruning Vocabulary
"One gradually learns the word’s denotations and connotations and its modes of use little by…
Formulating Definitions
Definitions are tricky. They need to be succinct, conveying the essence of the word or…
SLPs and the iPad
My parents gave me my first iPad, the original iPad, for Christmas in 2010. It was one of my…
Tips for Teachers of Students Who Stutter
How do I help a child in my class who stutters? We all can think of at least one teacher who…
Storytelling (Narrrative) Practice
Storytelling is ultimately a creative act of pattern recognition. Through characters, plot…
Storytelling and Language-learning Differences
A writer's brain is like a magician's hat. If you are going get anything out of it, you have to…
Last day InferCabulary iPad App on Sale
In honor of Better Speech and Hearing Month we reduced InferCabulary, vocabulary iPad app,…