Semantic Reasoning - Visuals + active engagement = deep learning in a fraction of the time

What is Semantic Reasoning?

Semantic Reasoning Explained Many vocabulary words in the English language have subtle nuances as…

Mastering Word Problems--Notability

A few weeks ago, we shared about the iPad app, Notability, which enables us to create visual…

Formulating Definitions

Definitions are tricky.  They need to be succinct, conveying the essence of the word or…

Tips for Teachers of Students Who Stutter

How do I help a child in my class who stutters? We all can think of at least one teacher who…

Parenting Stutterers

Working with school-aged students who stutter, I find parents have lots of questions about how to…

Storytelling (Narrrative) Practice

Storytelling is ultimately a creative act of pattern recognition. Through characters, plot…

Storytelling and Language-learning Differences

A writer's brain is like a magician's hat. If you are going get anything out of it, you have to…

ADHD Brain and Sticky Notes There's a great post entitled, "Sticky Note Memory," by ADHD Inside…