Getting to the Root of Word Meanings

"If you speak English, you know a little more than 100 languages." (Garg, 2011) Learning…

Vocabulary Discussion to Teach Word Meanings

     Educators and speech language pathologists are all too familiar with the…

Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge

We have had the privilege of speaking at various conventions and meetings talking about the…

Words and their Concepts

In order for students to effectively learn vocabulary, it is essential that they learn the…

Vocabulary using Active Involvement

We are excited to have added Rebecca Silverman and Anna Harnanft’s new book Developing Vocabulary…

Mastering Word Problems--Notability

A few weeks ago, we shared about the iPad app, Notability, which enables us to create visual…

Language of Math Word Problems

The language contained in math word problems is often abstract, causing difficulty for students…

Formulating Definitions

Definitions are tricky.  They need to be succinct, conveying the essence of the word or…

"Seeing" the Story with Notability

To follow up on our last post, Bring Your Own Device Advice, I wanted to share how I use one…

SLPs and the iPad

My parents gave me my first iPad, the original iPad, for Christmas in 2010. It was one of my…