Oakside Elementary School’s FAB Newsletter


Oakside Elementary School Newsletter

Thank you Crystal Hernandez, Principal of Oakside Elementary School, for sharing this amazing newsletter!


Our students love InferCabulary! I want to sincerely thank you all for implementing this so well in your classrooms. I visited many classrooms this week and saw LOTS of students working on InferCabulary. Here are this week’s stats for the last 7 days:

  • 344 Active Students
  • Over 262 Active Hours of Playtime
  • 5,705 Words Learned

InferCabulary Shout Outs:

Grade 2- Bridget Holloman

  • 100% of her students playing
  • 63 hours of playtime
  • 1,208 words learned

Grade 3: Nancy Castro

  • 100% of her students playing
  • Over 20 hours of playtime
  • 439 words learned

When I spoke with Bridget about how she got such high numbers, she explained to me that she has the students use the program during the snow days. I thought that was a great idea!

Let’s continue to get more students active each week. I am hopeful that they will do much better on the vocabulary portion of Aimsweb Plus this time around because of this program. This is the only way our kids get explicit instruction in vocabulary aside from the front loading that we do for each lesson, which is also very important. Thank you for continue to make vocabulary instruction a priority!

Videos for Ideas on Ways to Use InferCabulary:

Beth from InferCabulary provided us with some sample videos on the different ways that InferCabulary can be used. I HIGHLY suggest that you watch these. They are VERY helpful. Please see below: