Iditarod Vocabulary Lesson with ICPro

The Iditarod is in full swing now and one teacher made good use of this current event using the…

The Magic of Words

Here's some literacy inspiration for your day... One day in a Barnes and Noble, Malcom, a young…

Visuals and Vocabulary

Not knowing the meaning of a word while reading is a common occurrence in school particularly when…

The Tiers of Vocabulary

With the implementation of common core in the public schools, the emphasis on vocabulary and its…

Vocabulary Development and Why Infercabulary Works

Vocabulary development is most widely known to occur through reading and oral language. Parents…

Categorization for Vocabulary Storage

When we work with students, we ask them to identify items in categories, such as animals, as well…

Mnemonics, Test-Taking Strategy

Last week, my fourth grade student, Gabe, needed help memorizing facts for his Iditarod Trail…

Focus on Word Endings!

I recently worked with a Junior in high school who had failed two recent vocabulary quizzes using…

Cutting Edge Vocab Research

New research, published in the journal Developmental Science. by a Florida State University…

Geography Vocabulary with Google Earth

I was struggling to  help a student who was struggling to recall continent versus country versus…