Video of Puzzle Main Idea Technique

Hi All. A couple of weeks ago, we shared the idea of using a puzzle to help students with Main Idea/Key Details. We’ve uploaded some video segments to The puzzle pieces each have velcro and attach to a large board covered in velcro. The first video explains the overview of the puzzle and how it will be used to have the student extract key details. We apologize the sound is a little tricky. Turn the volume up to maximum!
The second is a section I filmed while working with one of my students who struggles with main idea/key details/insignificant details. She is an amazing “out of the box” thinker who notices cool things others may not notice. However, she sometimes misses the primary components in stories, so this activity was perfect for her. She enjoyed the activity, and even said, “Miss Beth, you should make this into an app game where students click on the puzzle pieces, then write a story about it using the details they pick from the puzzle!” Hmmm…cool idea! We edited this 15 minute session into 3 parts.
The links are:
Note how, through use of graphic organizers, the student was guided to move from provision of details in a serial manner, to producing a cohesive summary of the entire puzzle. Hope you find it useful!